The Value of a Financial Neutral

The Value of a Financial Neutral

For most people encountering a marriage split up, divorce and separation is a gut-wrenching event.  According to psychologists, this event is second only in emotional intensity to the death of a child or a spouse.  In my observations of the divorces and separation of the people whom I know, anger is often the first emotion exhibited, with denial and depression being the next two emotions.  After these people have processed their initial feelings, they usually follow with the desire to fight.  Hurting people generally reach out to are those skilled in the adversarial legal system, namely, lawyers.

In my opinion, the best people to help you are those who can do the work, quietly and efficiently, behind the scenes.  While lawyers are skilled in their craft, there are others whose help is very practical and are usually less costly.  

A relatively new service in Canada that adds significant value to couples working through divorce are Chartered Financial Divorce Specialists (CFDS).  A CFDS is a financial expert who only concerns himself with finding ways to split the money and assets.  When couples divorce, it is common to have to divide assets and money according to the laws of the province in which the couple live.  The rules and procedures that guide the separation of the accumulated wealth often seem simple on the surface but when we dig deeper, the skill of a financial expert can save much time, money and heartache.

 Most Chartered Financial Divorce Specialists work for both parties as a Financial Neutral.  A Financial Neutral is a professional who works best collaboratively with all parties involved.  A CFDS Financial Neutral brings value because they strive to link all aspects of the couple’s financial realities in a fair and equitable way. 

For example, in a recent case where a couple were divorcing after 28 years of marriage, the assets that needed to be split included property and pension plans.  The present value and future value of each asset needed to be considered in determining the fairness of the split.  Taxation also had to be considered in the determination of the arrangement.  The lawyers, to their credit, were fighting for the best arrangement for their client.  The Financial Neutral, however, looked at the total picture and came up with options for the couple to consider. 

Separation and Divorce agreements always include language that pertains to money.  In determining the fairness of the financial split in a divorce, couples should consider the advantages and disadvantages of negotiating in a competitive arena or negotiating in a collaborative manner.  A Financial Neutral is focused on delivering a win-win outcome from the outset.

Disclosure:  This essay has been written for general education purposes.  Each family situation is unique and therefore each outcome reflects each special situation. It is important to keep in mind that the more argumentative the couple are, the more expensive their divorce will be!

Note:  I am in favour of marriage!  Healthy and happy families are the primary units of a strong and vital society and should be encouraged to thrive by everyone… individuals, families, churches, community groups, and all levels of government!  Like all noble endeavours, it takes hard work, sweat, and tears to make something beautiful and worthwhile!  If divorce is the route a couple takes, then make the break clean, quick, and efficient… your financial future depends on it!